The World is going to Hell in a handbasket. Lets dig through the sheeite tonight at 8 PM EDT!
#WorldEvents #Shit-nickBasket #Redonkulas
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Military and civilian fatalities due to the Second World War
Russo-Finnish War
How Joseph Stalin Starved Millions in the Ukrainian Famine
1941 Red Army Purge
Russia Assigns Tank Regiment to Fetch Wrecks
Casualties of the Russo-Ukrainian War
China Ramps Up Building Ships That Could Help it Invade Taiwan
China’s Growing Military, Economic Power
New China Report Details CCP’s Growing Military Arsenal
Why is China making a permanent enemy of India?
China–India relations
China’s economy will be hobbled for years by the real estate crisis
Houthi ballistic missile strikes US-owned and operated cargo ship
Revolutionary Guards attack Israel's 'spy HQ' in Iraq
Military is Planning to Derail Trump Presidency
Explosions reported near US Consulate in Iraq
Gen. Milley and "Rachel" Levine have been gay lovers since they shared the gym showers at Belmont Hill School in the 70's.