It’s time to debunk some myths lefties like Gretchen Whitmer are using in an dictatorial attempt violate your homeschooling rights.
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Episode Throwbacks
Wango Tango
Dana Nessel is a Groomer
Warrantless Entry
Michigan State Statute on Homeschooling
Duty to Retreat Welcomes Criminality
Arrested for Defending Their Home
Affordable Care Act is Anything But
“Hiding Abuse” My Ass
US Education Dives
Literacy Stats
Education Rankings
How the Rockefellers Destroyed the Nuclear Family
Home Schooling Facts
Heels Up Harris Jailed Parents for Truancy
Truancy in Michigan and Detroit Public Schools
Detroit Public School Funding
Violent Crimes in Schools
Educator Sexual Misconduct
Homeschools FAR Less Likely to be Diddled
Relationship Between Regulation and Abuse in Homeschooling
The Truth About Jim Crow Laws
Woke Segregationism
Homeschooling on Social Skills and Creative Thinking
Depression and Anxiety Doubled During Scamdemic
Illegals on Martha’s Vineyard
People Who Want Your Guns Are Surrounded by Them
College Tuition Increased Six-Fold in 30 Years
Michigan State Law Regarding Homeschool