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Terrence Popp
Oct 24, 20221 min read
A Platoon of Useless Idiots
Popp dives into why most officers in the US military are completely worthless. #TerrencePopp #Military #UselessIdiots To donate to this...
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Terrence Popp
Oct 17, 20221 min read
Ignoring the Call of Doodie
Popp digs into more viewer emails: to enlist or not to enlist, send my son home, and getting mean at 15. #TerrencePopp #Military #Guns If...
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Terrence Popp
Oct 10, 20221 min read
Guns. Lots of Guns. And Hatemail.
Popp digs into a mixed bag of viewer emails: gun talk, valor doc, and feminist squawk. #TerrencePopp #Military #Guns If you want to keep...
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Terrence Popp
Oct 4, 20221 min read
Nordstream Sabotage: Our Lips Are Sealed
Who did it? We really shouldn’t say. Butt… the Navy Seals have the resources, equipment, and men to pull it off. Allegedly. #TerrencePopp...
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Terrence Popp
Oct 2, 20221 min read
Miss Information: Wokeness is the Real Treason
A transformer Army officer, caught passing medical secrets to Russia, is packin’ a pretty big medical secret of his own. #TerrencePopp...
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Terrence Popp
Sep 27, 20221 min read
No Man’s Land: Why Military Recruiting Has Tanked
IraqVeteran8888 absolutely nails why military recruiting numbers are in the toilet with an epic Twitter thread. Popp responds and offers...
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Terrence Popp
Sep 25, 20221 min read
Great People Aren’t Selfish
Popp returns from Cuckiforniastan after several injections and a bout with the Commie Cough. BUTT! When you’re around an old Army buddy...
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Terrence Popp
Sep 15, 20221 min read
Modern Leadership is Sorely Lacking
Popp responds to several emails about leadership, his thoughts on the modern military, and how many come up short. #TerrencePopp...
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Terrence Popp
Jul 12, 20221 min read
The Woke Military: Unfit to Serve
Richard Fitzwell joins the Crazy Drunk Uncles to make fun of some leftoids and lament the fall of the US military as a world superpower....
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Terrence Popp
Jul 3, 20221 min read
Military Recruitment is in The Toilet
Recruitment for the woke military is down to 40% of typical levels. Gee, I wonder why. #LiveFromTheLair #Military #GetWokeGoBroke If you...
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Terrence Popp
Jun 23, 20221 min read
Bang Bang with the Gang Gang
Turns out that soldiers in most countries are pretty much the same. When you tell them “no women in the barracks,” you’re gonna find...
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Terrence Popp
Apr 26, 20221 min read
Equity: How to Kill a Superpower
Sr. Airman Richard Fitzwell joins the Crazy Drunk Uncles to talk about Elon Musk and the Pentagon’s new “equity protocol” tonight at 8pm...
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Terrence Popp
Feb 18, 20221 min read
Become a Mentor to Wayward Soldiers
Dyslexic Popp took an illiterate soldier under his wing and taught him how to read in the face of relentless ridicule. This is...
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Terrence Popp
Jan 11, 20221 min read
Watching it Implode
The Crazy Drunk Uncles are joined by Sr. Airman Richard Fitzwell and Loyal Nine to talk about the downward spiral that is the United...
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Terrence Popp
Jan 2, 20221 min read
Retired Cuck Generals Threaten Coup in 2024
But Popp has news for them: Screw you guys. #LiveFromTheLair #CivilWar #Military If you want to keep seeing this content, be sure to sign...
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Terrence Popp
Dec 3, 20211 min read
There Are Over 800 FEMA Camps Open and Ready
Popp talks about the future of the AR platform and the reality of FEMA camps in the United States. #Military #FEMAcamps #2A If you want...
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Terrence Popp
Nov 26, 20211 min read
Migrants: A New Weapon of War
Migrants as a weapon of mass distraction. Navy women getting pregnant by the boatload. And Disney remaking all your memories into woke...
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Terrence Popp
Nov 15, 20211 min read
Ranger School: Lower Standards, Higher Prices
“Diversity and inclusion” for the sake of hurt feelings has a high cost. Human life. And a lot of it. #AirborneRanger #RangerSchool...
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Terrence Popp
Oct 31, 20211 min read
Get Ready and Get Over
Popp tells three stories of good luck in bad circumstance. In the military, they call it “getting over,” so pour yourself a drink and...
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Terrence Popp
Oct 25, 20211 min read
How to Bargain With Porn
Popp and company tell more military stories, including how to scrounge for supplies and bargain with the motor pool using spicy movies...
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