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Terrence Popp
Oct 22, 20211 min read
The Ballad of Senior Airman Dick Fitzwell
Popp invites his buddy on the show to tell some hilarious stories, and this is the best one of them all. #GruntSpeakLive #Military...
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Terrence Popp
Oct 16, 20211 min read
The Good Idea Fairy
When the Good Idea Fairy waves her wand, bad things happen. #GoodIdeaFairy #Military #Redonkulas If you want to keep seeing this content,...
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Terrence Popp
Sep 19, 20211 min read
The U.S. Military: A Culture of Forced Vaccinations
How the powers that be in the corrupted U.S. military use weasel words and legalese to scare enlisted into being Big Pharma guinea pigs....
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Terrence Popp
Jul 12, 20211 min read
Pooping While Running
“You know what you never see? You never see someone taking a shit while running at full speed!” - George Carlin #GruntSpeakLive...
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Terrence Popp
Jul 7, 20211 min read
Military Recruiting: USA vs. Russia
When you compare military recruitment videos from the US and Russia, you start to realize that our armed forces are becoming armed...
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Terrence Popp
May 18, 20211 min read
Get Woke, Go Broke, Get Smoked
It's time to talk about the new series of woke propaganda coming from the military and "intelligence" apparatus. Featuring Lauren Brooks...
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Terrence Popp
May 16, 20211 min read
Russia vs. Ukraine: A Tactical Overview
Does Ukraine even have a shot at driving back the forces of Russia in an all-out invasion? #russiavsukraine #military #livefromthelair...
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Terrence Popp
May 9, 20211 min read
Russia vs. Ukraine
Popp gives a Russia-Ukraine conflict a 70% possibility of happening and a 100% chance of disaster if it does. #russiavsukraine #military...
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