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Terrence Popp
Mar 4, 20241 min read
Divorce is War
A not-so-fan of the show challenged Popp’s judgment on marriage and divorce. That was a mistake. #TerrencePopp #ModernWomen #DivorceWar...
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Terrence Popp
Nov 6, 20231 min read
Prepare the Body Bags
Dear Sarge joins the Drunk Uncles to talk about the state of the world and the US military tonight at 8pm EST! #GruntSpeakLive...
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Terrence Popp
Apr 28, 20231 min read
Life After War is Hell
Once you adapt to life in a war zone, you will never be the same. Especially when you return home to another one. #TerrencePopp #Military...
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Terrence Popp
Oct 4, 20221 min read
Nordstream Sabotage: Our Lips Are Sealed
Who did it? We really shouldn’t say. Butt… the Navy Seals have the resources, equipment, and men to pull it off. Allegedly. #TerrencePopp...
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Terrence Popp
Apr 10, 20221 min read
The Putin Puzzle
With so much propaganda, there are a lot of missing puzzle pieces. But if you take some time, you can fill in the holes… if you know what...
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Terrence Popp
Mar 20, 20221 min read
The Disintegration of a World Power
The military forces of Russia have slowly squandered away whatever chances they may have had for success. #LiveFromTheLair #Ukraine...
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Terrence Popp
Mar 13, 20221 min read
The Fog of War
The situation in Ukraine is not black and white. It’s many shades of grey. Don’t let the media manipulate you into thinking otherwise....
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Terrence Popp
Feb 24, 20221 min read
Ukraine in the Membrane
It’s been a long time coming, and thanks to Joe Biden, it’s finally here. Let’s break it down and drink up tonight at 8pm Eastern!...
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Terrence Popp
Dec 23, 20211 min read
How Russia Will Retake Ukraine
The question of whether or not Russia will attempt to retake Ukraine is not “if,” but “when.” #LiveFromTheLair #Ukraine #Russia If you...
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Terrence Popp
Dec 16, 20211 min read
Drone Sweet Home
Retired veteran and drone operator Mr. D joins the Crazy Drunk Uncles to explain just how terrifying the future of drones in warfare...
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Terrence Popp
May 23, 20211 min read
Israel and Palestine: A Religion of War
The Religion of Peace sure seems to love war. So does Israel. Why are we giving them money again? #Israel #Palestine #ReligionofWa Listen...
475 views2 comments

Terrence Popp
May 16, 20211 min read
Russia vs. Ukraine: A Tactical Overview
Does Ukraine even have a shot at driving back the forces of Russia in an all-out invasion? #russiavsukraine #military #livefromthelair...
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Terrence Popp
May 9, 20211 min read
Russia vs. Ukraine
Popp gives a Russia-Ukraine conflict a 70% possibility of happening and a 100% chance of disaster if it does. #russiavsukraine #military...
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